The commitment to quality which is part of everyday life here goes far beyond simply ensuring that the piston rings, sealing rings and rod stuffing box rings which leave our premises perform to the expectations of both marine and industrial end users, manufacturers and diesel engine operators.

Quality pervades every corner of PRUK’s administrative as well as production systems, so that interaction with both customers and suppliers is professional and productive. The company has adopted IS09001 Quality Standards with Lloyds as the basis of its own Quality Assurance methods and copies of the PRUK "Quality Philosophy" are displayed prominently throughout the site.

Different aspects of quality procedures are discussed and explored for potential improvement at regular intervals and in quality forums, involving the entire PRUK workforce to ensure that quality is at the forefront.

This continued broadening of the company’s skill base allows the principle of ‘Right First Time’ to become a reality and assign to history the antiquated process of last-step product inspection. At PRUK quality is more than an ideal or simply window dressing.

Quality is Critical.